    The Golden Prize

  • 作   者:

    Cavin Wright

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  • ¥9.90

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  • 世界怪诞之谜,解开宇宙的秘密。

    Could Stonehenge be the key to the secrets of the Great Pyramid? Was Plato’s account of Atlantis accurate? Is it possible to achieve light-speed travel? Does Earth have a hidden past? Was the Great Pyramid built in two stages, centuries apart? Do Fibonacci numbers conceal a mystic code? What is Bala Squared and what is its significance? Can the location of the Hall of Records be identified? Would discovery of the records prove the existence of Atlantis? Is humanity on the verge of a quantum leap forward? Could Code Nine identify the Antichrist? Can the year of Christ’s return be established? And what is the Golden Prize? Read this fascinating book to help uncover the answers to many of these mysteries.

  • 内容简介
  • 巨石阵是解密大金字塔的关键吗?柏拉图对于亚特兰蒂斯的记述准确么?光速旅行可行么?地球有一段被隐藏的过去吗?大金字塔是分两个世纪建成的吗?斐波纳契数字隐藏着的神秘代码是什么呢?巴拉平方和是什么呢?它的意义又是什么?记录大厅的位置可以被确定么?亚特兰蒂斯的现有记录能证明亚特兰蒂斯的存在么?人类能马上实现量子的跳跃么?代码九可以识别基督的敌人么?基督回归年能被确定么?《金赏》讲了什么呢?阅读这本迷人的书吧!它将为您揭开许多奥秘的答案。

    Could Stonehenge be the key to the secrets of the Great Pyramid? Was Plato’s account of Atlantis accurate? Is it possible to achieve light-speed travel? Does Earth have a hidden past? Was the Great Pyramid built in two stages, centuries apart? Do Fibonacci numbers conceal a mystic code? What is Bala Squared and what is its significance? Can the location of the Hall of Records be identified? Would discovery of the records prove the existence of Atlantis? Is humanity on the verge of a quantum leap forward? Could Code Nine identify the Antichrist? Can the year of Christ’s return be established? And what is the Golden Prize? Read this fascinating book to help uncover the answers to many of these mysteries.

  • 作者简介
  • 卡温•赖特(Cavin Wright),1952年诞生于罗得西亚(津巴布韦)。曾居南非,现居英国。前两本著作为《从尘埃到信仰》和《睡前故事》。

    Cavin Wright was born in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1952. He has also lived in South Africa and presently resides in England. His two previous books are: From Dust to Trust and Bedtime Stories.