• 导读
  • 这是一个比故事看起来更真实的故事,金克·米切尔和胡特钦诺·比尔两人在外出后回到原来的小镇,却发现原本充满生活气息的几百座小屋全都没了人的踪影,只有一个老头看守着空城,人们都到哪里去了呢?他们都为了什么而背井离乡呢?读来便知。

  • 内容简介
  • 这篇小说与杰克伦敦曾经的淘金之旅是分不开的,因此故事看起来更真实。小说主人公回到小镇,却发现原本充满生活气息的几百座小屋全都没了人的踪影,只有一个老头看守着空城,人们都到哪里去了呢?他们都为了什么而背井离乡呢?

  • 作者简介
  • 杰克·伦敦,原名为约翰·格利菲斯·伦敦(John Griffith London),美国著名的现实主义作家。他一生共创作了约56卷作品,其中最为著名的有《野性的呼唤》、《海狼》、《白牙》、《马丁·伊登》和一系列优秀短篇小说《热爱生命》、《老头子同盟》、《北方的奥德赛》、《马普希的房子》、《沉寂的雪原》等。

    John Griffith "Jack" London (born John Griffith Chaney, January 12, 1876—November 22, 1916) was an American author, journalist, and social activist. He was a pioneer in the then-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction and was one of the first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity and a large fortune from his fiction alone. He is best remembered as the author of The Call of the Wild and White Fang, both set in the Klondike Gold Rush, as well as the short stories To Build a Fire, An Odyssey of the North, and Love of Life. He also wrote of the South Pacific in such stories as The Pearls of Parlay and The Heathen, and of the San Francisco Bay area in The Sea Wolf .

  • 编辑推荐
  • 读罢他的作品,随之而来的是惊心动魄的思索,作者笔锋粗放,读了他的作品,我们能够感受热爱生命的真谛!他能让文字燃烧生命烈火。他就是杰克·伦敦。在坚毅中保持宽容,在宽容中保持坚毅是他特有的人生哲学观念,在小说中得到了充分的体现。

  • 媒体书评
  • 我所看到的,是征服的迷人力量,是血色冒险及黄金潮的迷人力量。……生命既勇敢又狂野,而我正经历着我阅读了无数遍的冒险生活。——杰克·伦敦




    Western writer and historian Dale L. Walker writes:

    London's true métier was the short story ... London's true genius lay in the short form, 7,501 words and under, where the flood of images in his teeming brain and the innate power of his narrative gift were at once constrained and freed. His stories that run longer than the magic 7,500 generally—but certainly not always—could have benefited from self-editing.

  • 目录
    • 太多金子
    • Too Much Gold