• 导读
  • 几个孩子,一个家庭,影射出的却是一个社会,甚至一个时代。我们的一些观念,需要被改变了!

    Rose, a shy orphan, blossoms in the company of her spirited relatives when she takes up residence at "The Aunt Hill." This captivating novel by the author of Little Women offers readers of all ages endearing, inspiring stories about growing up, making friends, and facing life with kindness and courage.

  • 内容简介
  • 本书讲述了19世纪,一个女孩在波士顿的转变历程。露丝坎贝尔可能是个孤儿,但她并不缺少家庭。她有6个姑姑,7个堂兄弟。在寄宿学校呆了一段时间后,她发现自己有了一些惊人的变化……而她和她的兄弟姐妹也将用他们的欢乐故事,为我们提供一个全新的角度去看待女性。

    From the pen of Louisa May Alcott comes a tale of one girl's transformation in nineteenth-century Boston. Rose Campbell may be an orphan, but she has no shortage of family. There are six aunts, seven cousins, and an uncle - Uncle Alex, who has strange notions about the proper way to raise children. After years of boarding school and being ladylike, Rose finds that playing with rowdy boys, getting fresh air, and eating good food have a surprising effect. Eight Cousins provides an enjoyable story as well as an intriguing glimpse at Alcott's views on women, which were radical for her time.

  • 作者简介
  • 路易丝·梅·奥尔科(1832-1888)特是一位19世纪的美国小说家。

    Louise May Alcott(1832-1888) is American author known for her children's books, especially the classic Little Women. She is also an abolitionist and a feminist.