• 导读
  • 英国诗歌研究界的泰斗王佐良先生曾说“英国诗歌是西洋文学里的一大精华”。英语诗歌的发展经历早期、中世纪、文艺复兴、启蒙运动、浪漫派、现代派,涌现出大批诗人,留下了许多经典之作。“英诗经典名家名译”系列汇集11位英诗巨匠的传世之作,加之国内译界泰斗传神的译文,为读者奉上一场诗歌的盛宴。



  • 内容简介
  • 《狄金森诗选》为美国最伟大诗人、“现代主义的先驱”艾米莉·狄金森的选译作品集。诗风凝练,比喻尖新,常置格律、语法于不顾。她的诗歌倾向于微观、内省,表现出对传统规范不驯的叛逆姿态。诗风坚持真实,“真与美是一体”。她直接写到诗人和诗的有十几首,她曾经写过类似于瓦伦丁节日戏谑诗如《醒来,九位缪斯……》;她写爱的萌动、爱的燃烧、爱的消失,有甜而不腻的喜悦、炽烈而慰藉的吐露、苦而不酸的沉痛、绵绵难绝的长恨。例如,诗选中收录《他用手指摸索你的灵魂》;她也会唱出如《我的信念大于山》的壮歌。

  • 作者简介
  • 艾米莉·狄金森,美国传奇诗人,1830年12月10日生,1886年5月15日去世。她20岁开始写诗,早期的诗大都已散失。她深锁在盒子里的大量创作诗篇是她留给世人的最大礼物。1858年后闭门不出,70年代后几乎不出房门,文学史上称她为“阿默斯特的女尼”。在她有生之年,她的作品未能获得青睐,然而周遭众人对她的不解与误会,却丝毫无法低损她丰富的创作天分她的诗在形式上富于独创性,大多使用17世纪英国宗教圣歌作者艾萨克·沃茨的传统格律形式,但又作了许多变化,例如在诗句中使用许多短破折号,既可代替标点,又使正常的抑扬格音步节奏产生突兀的起伏跳动。她的诗大多押半韵。

    Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (December 10, 1830 – May 15, 1886) was an American poet. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a successful family with strong community ties, she lived a mostly introverted and reclusive life. After she studied at the Amherst Academy for seven years in her youth, she spent a short time at Mount Holyoke Female Seminary before returning to her family's house in Amherst. Thought of as an eccentric by the locals, she became known for her penchant for white clothing and her reluctance to greet guests or, later in life, even leave her room. Most of her friendships were therefore carried out by correspondence.

  • 目录
    • 531 We learned the Whole of Love
    • 533 I reckon—when I count at all
    • 550 I measure every Grief I meet
    • 555 A House upon the Height
    • 558 A Visitor in Marl
    • 559 Through the Dark Sod—as Education
    • 562 'Twas Love—not me
    • 575 I'm saying everyday
    • 576 The difference between Despair
    • 577 I went to Heaven
    • 579 The Soul unto itself
    • 583 You cannot put a Fire out
    • 592 The Soul that hath a Guest
    • 596 Ourselves were wed one summer—dear
    • 598 The Brain—is wider than the Sky
    • 599 We do not play on Graves
    • 605 I am alive—I guess
    • 613 The Day that I was crowned
    • 615 God is a distant—stately Lover
    • 620 Much Madness is divinest Sense