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  • “俄国文坛上划时代的巨著”,是“高出于俄国文学过去以及现在所有作品之上的”。

    Dead Souls, first published in 1842, is the great prose classic of Russia. That amazing institution, "the Russian novel," not only began its career with this unfinished masterpiece by Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol, but practically all the Russian masterpieces that have come since have grown out of it, like the limbs of a single tree. Dostoieffsky goes so far as to bestow this tribute upon an earlier work by the same author, a short story entitled The Cloak; this idea has been wittily expressed by another compatriot, who says: "We have all issued out of Gogol's Cloak."

  • 内容简介
  • 《死魂灵》是俄国批判现实主义文学发展的基石,也是果戈里的现实主义创作发展的顶峰。别林斯基高度赞扬它是“俄国文坛上划时代的巨著”,是一部“高出于俄国文学过去以及现在所有作品之上的”,“既是民族的,同时又是高度艺术的作品。”

    Dead Souls is one of the most unusual works of nineteenth-century fiction and a devastating satire on social hypocrisy. Chichikov, a mysterious stranger, arrives in a provincial town and visits a succession of landowners to make each a strange offer. He proposes to buy the names of dead serfs still registered on the census, saving their owners from paying tax on them, and to use these “souls” as collateral to reinvent himself as a gentleman. In this ebullient masterpiece, Gogol created a grotesque gallery of human types, from the bear-like Sobakevich to the insubstantial fool Manilov, and, above all, the devilish con man Chichikov.

  • 作者简介
  • 尼古拉·瓦西里耶维奇·果戈里-亚诺夫斯基(1809年4月-1852年3月)是俄罗斯作家,生于现在的乌克兰的一个地主家庭。他自幼爱好文学,深受启蒙运动的影响。1831年发表的《狄康卡近乡夜话》使他受到了亚历山大·普希金的赞誉。1836年,他的讽刺喜剧《钦差大臣》上演,在这部作品中,他用幽默的笔调和有力的讽刺手法,使俄国喜剧艺术发生了重大转折。1842年,《死魂灵》一出版,就“震撼了整个俄罗斯”,成为俄罗斯文学走向独创性和民族性的重要标志。别林斯基称他为继亚历山大·普希金之后的“文坛盟主”“诗人的魁首”。而整个19世纪40年代也被车尔尼雪夫斯基称为“果戈里时期”。1847年,他发表了《与友人书信选》,公开表示对以前所有作品的忏悔。1852年,他在严重的东正教狂热中去世。果戈里是俄国现实主义文学的奠基人之一,也是“自然派”的创始人。

    Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (31 March [O.S. 19 March] 1809 – 4 March [O.S. 21 February] 1852) was a Russian dramatist, novelist and short story writer of Ukrainian ethnicity. There is a strong debate between Russian and Ukrainian scholars, whether Gogol was of their respective nationality.

    Considered by his contemporaries one of the preeminent figures of the natural school of Russian literary realism, later critics have found in Gogol's work a fundamentally romantic sensibility, with strains of Surrealism and the grotesque ("The Nose", "Viy", "The Overcoat," "Nevsky Prospekt"). His early works, such as Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka, were influenced by his Ukrainian upbringing, Ukrainian culture and folklore. His later writing satirised political corruption in the Russian Empire (The Government Inspector, Dead Souls), leading to his eventual exile. The novel Taras Bulba (1835) and the play Marriage (1842), along with the short stories "Diary of a Madman", "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich", "The Portrait" and "The Carriage", round out the tally of his best-known works.

  • 目录
    • PART I
    • PART II