    Health Library — Shoulder Instability and the Stiff Shoulder

  • 讲   师:

    • 蒂姆·麦克亚当斯
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  • 课程简介
  • 人体肩膀有个很复杂的结构,能在不稳定状态或肩膀僵硬时保持平衡。不稳定状态主要会有两种发展方向:可以会是外伤比如受伤后的脱臼,或者是没有特别的受伤的脱臼,就是在关节处有好多体液。关节处的运动量很大,相反当没有太多运动的时候,就会出现僵硬。肩膀僵硬不能动的时候就会疼。

    The shoulder has a very complex and unique balance between instability or too loose of a shoulder and stiffness, being too tight. And, the instability can develop in two main ways; it can be a traumatic injury such as a dislocation after an injury or it can be atraumatic, no specific injury occurred but there's just a lot of slop, a lot of play in that ball and socket shoulder joint. On the converse, we can have stiffness where there's not too much play, now it's too stiff and we can't move the shoulder and this will manifest as pain.

  • 讲师简介
  • 蒂姆·麦克亚当斯,医学博士,是整形外科的一名教授。

    Tim McAdams, M.D., is a professor of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.