• 导读
  • 是真,是幻,是预知?我们的梦究竟代表什么?

  • 内容简介
  • 梦是黑白分明的还是色彩斑斓的?盲人在梦里能看见吗?梦为何如此怪诞?梦的目的何在?梦如何维系和拓展精神活动?人们在梦中肆意疯狂是不是为了避免同样的疯狂在清醒时上演?为什么说睡眠不仅有益健康,也是生命所必需?本书对基础脑科学研究的发现、睡眠实验室研究以及睡眠和梦的近期临床研究作了简要的总结,并使用大量梦例来解释新的激活整合梦理论如何从生理学角度阐明梦的普遍形式特征,从而让读者在领略到现代睡眠科学迷人发现的同时获得机会去重新思索自己的梦理论。

    What is dreaming, and what causes it? Why are dreams so strange and why are they so hard to remember? Replacing dream mystique with modern dream science, J. Allan Hobson provides a new and increasingly complete picture of how dreaming is created by the brain. Focusing on dreaming to explain the mechanisms of sleep, this book explores how the new science of dreaming is affecting theories in psychoanalysis, and how it is helping our understanding of the causes of mental illness. J. Allan Hobson investigates his own dreams to illustrate and explain some of the fascinating discoveries of modern sleep science, while challenging some of the traditionally accepted theories about the meaning of dreams. He reveals how dreaming maintains and develops the mind, why we go crazy in our dreams in order to avoid doing so when we are awake, and why sleep is not just good for health but essential for life.

  • 作者简介
  • J. 艾伦·霍布森,哈佛医学院精神病学教授,1988年睡眠研究学会杰出科学家奖获得者,主要致力于研究精神和行为的神经生理学基础、睡眠与梦、神经病学和精神病学史,其大多数近作集中于讨论睡眠的认知特征和益处。他著有(或与人合著)多部作品,包括《做梦的大脑》(1988)、《睡眠》(1995)、《意识》(1999)、《梦如谵妄:大脑如何变得疯狂》(1999)、《梦药房》(2001)和《梦的新解:睡眠科学导论》(2002)等。

    J. Allan Hobson is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. He was the recipient of the Distinguished Scientist Award of the Sleep Research Society in 1988.His major research interests are the neurophysiological basis of the mind and behaviour; sleep and dreaming; and the history of neurology and psychiatry, with his most recent work focusing on the cognitive features and benefits of sleep. He is the author or co-author of many books, including: The Dreaming Brain (1988), Sleep (1995), Consciousness (1999), Dreaming as Delirium: How the brain goes out of its mind (1999), The Dream Drugstore (2001), and Out of its Mind: Psychiatry in Crisis (2001).

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 绪论
    • 第一章 梦是什么?
    • 第二章 梦的内容分析为何没能成为一门科学?
    • 第三章 睡眠状态下大脑是如何激活的?
    • 第四章 大脑做梦的细胞分子基础
    • 第五章 人为什么会做梦?睡眠中的大脑激活有什么功能?
    • 第六章 与梦有关的疾病
    • 第七章 梦如谵妄:睡眠与精神疾病
    • 第八章 梦的神经心理学新说
    • 第九章 梦、学习和记忆
    • 第十章 梦的意识
    • 第十一章 梦的解析
    • 结论