    Brother Jacob

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  • 《雅各布哥哥》是艾略特所作,向萨克雷致敬的一部现代讽刺寓言。小说里每个人物都似乎缺少温暖的人情味,处于上升时期的资本主义社区里的人们,永不停歇地追求地位与财富,每一个隐喻都与商业和消费相关,每一个角色都形成一幅讽刺画:自以为是的幽默、机警而又善变的人格。这个故事充满了英国文学批评家最关注的话题——殖民主义、精神缺陷、虚拟身份。

    David Faux is an apprentice at a confectionary store, but he hates it. He feels that he is better than other people, is above the average in intelligence, and he wants a job fitting his potential. He finishes his apprentice work, and then decides to run off to make his fortune. But he has no money. His family has some money, but not much. His father promised him 100 pounds in his will, but he was still alive. His mother has 20 pounds in a jar and promised each of her seven children a share. One of the sons, Jacob, is an idiot, who can hardly speak. David steals his mother's 20 pounds.

    David takes the money and runs to hide it in a hole, but Jacob comes and recognizes that the 20 pounds belongs to his mother. David tries to distract Jacob by offering him candy, which he likes very much, but David doesn't understand an idiot. Jacob doesn't want to leave David who keeps giving him candy. George Elliot describes David's various humorous maneuvers to get away and travel to the West Indies.

    Six years later, David returns to a small town in England far from his family. He takes the name Edward Freely and is determined to start a new life and be successful. He was unsuccessful in the West Indies. He opens a confectionary shop in the small town, and decides that he is going to marry the daughter of one of the town's richest men. Elliot describes how the suspicious small town people come to trust this stranger, how the women of the town give up much of their cooking and buy his goods, and how David fools the town into thinking he is from a prosperous family by putting the picture of a one-armed Navy Admiral in his shop and claiming the man is his uncle and by saying that he has another uncle in the West Indies who is very rich, has no heir, and promised him his fortune. The engagement is arranged. But, David sees a notice in the newspaper requesting him to contact an attorney from whom he will hear "something to his advantage."

    David's father died and left him the 100 pounds, plus the nearly three pounds his mother promised him. David collects the money and returns to his false identity and promising future. But Jacob finds out where his candy man is living and clumsily and virtually incoherently arrives. Elliot describes this humorous arrival, the effect it has on the rich man and his daughter and the entire town, and how it affects David's plan to finally give up his confectionary business.

  • 内容简介
  • 金钱的诱惑,亲情的丧失,再多的财富也无法挽回人格的缺失。《雅各布哥哥》以一位自私的青年男子为主人公,挖掘了小说探索人类自身弱点的能力。主人公偷了母亲的钱离家出走,欺骗了他的傻哥哥,跑到另一个城镇开起了自己的甜点生意,他的财富与日俱增,就在他拿到了父亲的遗产、马上要迎娶乡绅美丽的女儿时,其身份被揭开,他也随即失去了一切。

    Brother Jacob, a short story by George Eliot, which describes a selfish young apprentice who steals money from his mother and runs away from home. He fools his idiot brother. His brother finds him steal money from his mother. David uses various humorous maneuvers to get away and travel to the West Indies. Six years later, David returns to a small town in England far from his family. He takes the name Edward Freely and is determined to start a new life and be successful. He opens a confectionary shop in the small town. But just after David gets money from his dead father and prepares to return to his false identity and promising future, Jacob finds out where his candy man is living and clumsily and virtually incoherently arrives. ThenDavid’s real identity has been revealed and he has lost everything.

  • 作者简介
  • 乔治·艾略特(George Eliot),1819年11月22日—1880年12月22日,原名玛丽·安·伊万斯(Mary Ann Evans),出生在华威郡一个中产阶级商人家庭(父亲曾是木匠,后暴发成为房地产商人)。英国小说家,与狄更斯和萨克雷齐名。其主要作品有《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》,《米德尔马契》等。

    Mary Anne (alternatively Mary Ann or Marian) Evans (22 November 1819 – 22 December 1880), better known by her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist, journalist and translator, and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. She is the author of seven novels, including Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), Silas Marner (1861), Middlemarch (1871–72), and Daniel Deronda (1876), most of them set in provincial England and well known for their realism and psychological insight and her sophisticated character portraits.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 小说塑造的每个人物似乎都缺少人情味,在处于上升时期的资本主义,人们不遗余力地追求地位与财富,小说里的每一个人物都形成一幅讽刺画:他们有的自以为是、有的机警而又善变。

  • 媒体书评
  • Brother Jacob is by contrast Eliot's literary homage to Thackeray.

    George Eliot is one of England's greatest novelists.

    English Victorian novelist known for her sensitive and honest depiction of life and people, Marry Ann Evans wrote under the pseudonym of George Eliot. She is famous for the psychological analysis of her characters in works which are acclaimed as classics.

  • 目录
    • 第一章
    • 第二章
    • 第三章