The Volume 3 of Key Concepts In Chinese Thought and Culture, with its plain language, explains the keywords or phrases that are fundamentally pertinent to Chinese traditional culture concisely. It mainly focuses on Chinese traditional aesthetics and philosophy.
The Volume 3 of Key Concepts In Chinese Thought and Culture, which mainly focuses on the basic cultural concepts in China, like "fenggu", "Painting in Colors", and "Unity of Knowledge and Action" etc., is one of the initial results of the Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture-Translation and Communication Project. There turns to be a delicate relationship among arts, aesthetics and education. The philosophy internalized itself in literary and music, which is either broad-mindedness, natural and fresh, free and flexible, or full of noble spirits. Various art styles reflect the diversity of lives, and also the compassion and moral standard of traditional Chinese intellectuals as they pursue the truth and care about others' lives.
- “中华思想文化术语传播工程”专家团队
- 前言
- Foreword
- báimiáo 白描
- biànhuà 变化
- chényù 沉郁
- chénɡyì 诚意
- chūnqiū 春秋
- cí 词
- cíqǔ 词曲
- cuòcǎi-lòujīn 错彩镂金
- dàdào-zhìjiǎn 大道至简
- dàqiǎo-ruòzhuō 大巧若拙
- dàtǐ,xiǎotǐ 大体、小体
- dàyòng 大用
- dānqīng 丹青
- dànbó 淡泊
- dànbó-míngzhì,níngjìng-zhìyuǎn 淡泊明志,宁静致远
- dāngháng 当行
- dàojìtiānxià 道济天下
- dédào-duōzhù,shīdào-guǎzhù 得道多助,失道寡助
- déxìnɡzhīzhī 德性之知
- diǎnyǎ 典雅
- dǐng 鼎
- dònɡjìnɡ 动静
- duō xínɡ bù yì bì zì bì 多行不义必自毙
- fánrù 繁缛
- fēnggǔ 风骨
- fēngjiào 风教
- fúróng-chūshuǐ 芙蓉出水
- gāngróu-xiāngjì 刚柔相济
- gē 歌
- ɡéɡù-dǐnɡxīn 革故鼎新
- ɡōnɡ shēnɡ mínɡ,lián shēnɡ wēi 公生明,廉生威
- hàoránzhīqì 浩然之气
- jìtuō 寄托
- jiànlì-sīyì 见利思义
- jiànwénzhīzhī 见闻之知
- jiànxián-sīqí 见贤思齐
- jiàngǔ-zhījīn 鉴古知今
- jìnxīn 尽心
- kōnglíng 空灵
- kuàngdá 旷达
- lǐshàngwǎnglái 礼尚往来
- lǐyī-fēnshū 理一分殊
- nèiměi 内美
- pǐjí-tàilái 否极泰来
- piāoyì 飘逸
- qíwù 齐物
- qì 器
- qìgǔ 气骨
- qìzhìzhīxìng 气质之性
- qiánshì-bùwàng,hòushìzhīshī 前事不忘,后事之师
- qiú fànɡxīn 求放心
- qǔ 曲
- rénzhě'àirén 仁者爱人
- sānbiǎo 三表
- sāncái 三才
- sānsī'érxínɡ 三思而行
- shèndú 慎独
- shènsī-míngbiàn 慎思明辨
- shī 诗
- shīzhí-wéizhuànɡ 师直为壮
- shòurényǐyú 授人以渔
- shù 恕
- sì hǎi zhī nèi jiē xiōnɡ dì 四海之内皆兄弟
- tàixū 太虚
- tiāndào 天道
- tiānlǐ 天理
- tiānmìnɡ 天命
- tiānmìngzhīxìng 天命之性
- tiānxià-xīngwáng,pǐfū-yǒuzé 天下兴亡,匹夫有责
- tónɡɡuī-shūtú 同归殊途
- wēngù-zhīxīn 温故知新
- wúyù-zégāng 无欲则刚
- xiānɡfǎn-xiānɡchénɡ 相反相成
- xiànɡ 象
- xiǎoshuō 小说
- xiěyì 写意
- xīnzhī 心知
- xínɡxiān-zhīhòu 行先知后
- xuán 玄
- xuèqì 血气
- xúnmínɡ-zéshí 循名责实
- yǎyuè 雅乐
- yánbùjìnyì 言不尽意
- yánjìnyì 言尽意
- Yán-Huáng 炎黄
- yīwù-liǎnɡtǐ 一物两体
- yǐwú-wéiběn 以无为本
- yǐzhí-bàoyuàn 以直报怨
- yǒuróng-nǎidà 有容乃大
- yǔmín-gēngshǐ 与民更始
- zàizhōu-fùzhōu 载舟覆舟
- zhènɡmínɡ 正名
- zhènɡxīn 正心
- zhèng zhě zhèng yě 政者正也
- zhī chǐ ér hòu yǒng 知耻而后勇
- zhīxínɡ-héyī 知行合一
- zhīxiān-xínɡhòu 知先行后
- zhí 直
- zhì dà guó ruò pēng xiǎo xiān 治大国若烹小鲜
- zhōnɡ 忠
- 术语表 List of Concepts
- 中国历史年代简表 A Brief Chronology of Chinese History
- 版权页
- 书评 写书评
- 笔记