    The Ransom of Red Chief

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  • 两个穷困潦倒的人密谋绑架小镇首富的儿子,不料却遇到一个“天才儿童”,无尽的噩梦从此开始……一百年前的小鬼当家,从《红酋长的赎金》中,让我们看孩子的淘气顽皮和怪招频出。

    This winning story captures all the charm and exaggerated comedy of O. Henry's classic about two bungling kidnappers who fall prey to their young "victim." The Ransom of Red Chief is a 1910 short story by O. Henry. It follows two men who kidnap and attempt to ransom a wealthy Alabaman's son; eventually, the men are driven to distraction by the boy and end up having to pay the boy's father to take him back.

    The story and its main idea have become a part of popular culture, with many children's television programs using a version of the story as one of their episodes.

  • 内容简介
  • 《红酋长的赎金》以第一人称的手法,叙述了我和比尔,两人想要以绑架筹集一笔钱。我们看上了当地一个有地位的人,把他的独生子绑架在一个山洞里。哪知道那孩子却喜欢这儿,而且把比尔整得不像样。一会儿要把比尔的头发给割掉,一会儿把比尔当马骑,一会儿给比尔吃沙子。他爸爸还要我们给他250元钱。比尔受不了,求我答应条件,我们只好这样。把他送回去,又付了钱,然后逃跑到很远很远的地方。

    Two thieves, Bill and Sam, plot to kidnap the son of an important citizen named Ebenezer Dorset, demand a ransom of $2,000, quickly collect the payoff, and be on their way. However, once they actually kidnap the boy and make their way to a hideout in the nearby hills, their plan quickly begins to unravel. Their young captive, a malevolent, redheaded brat who calls himself Red Chief (real name: Johnny Dorset), actually enjoys his stay with his kidnappers, and thinks he is on a camping trip.

    Red Chief proceeds to drive his captors to distraction with pranks and demands that they play wearying games with him, such as pretending to be a scout and using Bill as his horse. Bill and Sam are soon desperate to be rid of the little terror; they lower the price and ask $1,500. They later receive a reply to their ransom letter from Red Chief's father; knowing perfectly well what a handful Red Chief is, he rejects their ransom but instead offers to take the boy back off their hands for $250. When the men bring Red Chief to his home, he does not want to leave, loudly protesting that he was having fun "playing" with Bill and Sam. He then tries to stay with the two kidnappers but is held back by his father, who quickly whispers to the kidnappers to flee town before Red Chief sneaks out of the house and finds them for more "play". The kidnappers then flee in terror.

  • 作者简介
  • 欧·亨利是其笔名,原名为威廉·西德尼·波特(William Sydney Porter)。美国著名批判现实主义作家,世界三大短篇小说大师之一。曾被评论界誉为曼哈顿桂冠散文作家和美国现代短篇小说之父。他的作品构思新颖,语言诙谐,结局常常出人意料,其中一些名篇如《爱的牺牲》、《警察与赞美诗》、《带家具出租的房间》、《贤人的礼物》、《最后一片藤叶》等使他获得了世界声誉。

    William Sydney Porter (September 11, 1862—June 5, 1910), known by his pen name O. Henry, was an American writer. O. Henry's short stories are known for their wit, wordplay, warm characterization and clever twist endings. The best known ones are A Service of Love, The Cop and the Anthem, The Furnished Room, The Gift of the Magi and The Last Leaf, which help him win fame abroad.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 两个心慈面软的亡命之徒的一次倒霉的绑架经历,当绑匪遇上难缠的小鬼,噩梦从此开始……

  • 媒体书评
  • 他被誉为“美国现代短篇小说之父”,他的作品因富于生活情趣被誉为“美国生活的幽默百科全书”。他是与居伊·德·莫泊桑和安东·契诃夫并称的“世界三大短篇小说之王”。

    Like some other Henry works, The Ransom of Red Chief has become a familiar cultural trope. Television series, especially for children, often include an episode based on its idea.

    O. Henry's stories are gems of their kind; mellow, humorous, ironic, ingenious and shot through with that eminently salable quality known as 'human interest.'" —Bennet Cerf and Van Cartmell

  • 目录
    • 红酋长的赎金
    • The Ransom of Red Chief