As I boarded the plane for my journey to China, I tacitly agreed to a contract. I promised myself to respect all Chinese practices, no matter how offensive. However, I wasn't expecting it to be this difficult. American etiquettes are more than a simple "Thank you" and "Nice to meet you." In America, social etiquettes incessantly conduct the way you live and act in society. As I walk across the street, more often than not I see something that would never be acceptable in America. Here are my experiences of various locals breaking the usual etiquettes I am all too accustomed to.
让我们通过美国女孩Amirah Ahmad的讲述去感受一下中西方社交礼仪的碰撞,并反思一下,自己有没有在不经意间触犯了另一种文化中的社交礼仪呢?
- Chinese Abominations - Top 5 American social etiquettes Chinese people violate on a daily basis