• 内容简介
  • We all have them. In a world that's going downhill, they keep our heads up. When the time comes to cry, they keep us smiling. As soon as the clouds turn dark, they keep our eyes bright. Friends.

    After only about two weeks in China and no knowledge of Chinese, it's amazing I've made friends. However, these aren't your usual friendships. Half of them I've never spoken to and the other half I don't know their names. Although these relationships may seem fictitious, they're as real as can be. While meeting new friends, these language barriers haven't served as hurdles at all. Language, rather, is a mere distraction from real friendship. If you don't believe me, here are my top 5 friends in Beijing so far...

  • 编辑推荐
  • 古今中外,“朋友”这两个字的定义不计其数,它的内涵可以很丰富,也可以很简单:朋友是我们可以信赖和依靠的人,给我们温暖、支持和力量,让我们感受到生活的美好。

    子曰:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?”在刚刚过去的这个夏天,美国女孩Amirah Ahmad从太平洋彼岸远道而来,不可思议的是,在短短的两个星期里,不会讲中文的她却结识了几位不会讲英文的朋友。那么,她究竟是怎么认识这几位朋友的呢?让我们一起去看看吧。

  • 目录
    • 美国女孩和她的华人朋友们——跨越语言障碍的友谊