• 导读
  • FOR reasons which many persons thought ridiculous, Mrs. Lightfoot Lee decided to pass the winter in Washington. She was in excellent health, but she said that the climate would do her good. In New York she had troops of friends, but she suddenly became eager to see again the very small number of those who lived on the Potomac...

  • 内容简介
  • 这是一部政治类的小说,讲述的是玛德琳·李小姐失去丈夫和孩子之后,心里十分悲痛,于是从纽约搬到了华盛顿。在华盛顿居住期间,有两个男人同时爱上了她,但是这两个男人都有自己的政治野心,于是,玛德琳小姐也不知不觉中卷入了一场政治风波之中。

    Democracy :An American Novel, a political novel and anonymously published in 1880. It is a quintessential Washington novel about political power, its acquisition, use and abuse. It is set at the beginning of a new administration, with the election campaign just over and the new President of the United States just having been elected. However, all the characters depicted are entirely fictitious.Adams' book deals with a dishonest Midwestern senator and suggests that the real source of corruption lies in the unprincipled attitudes of the wild and lawless West. The novel reflected his loss of faith.

  • 作者简介
  • Henry Adams(1838-1918), a historian, man of letters and member of the Adams political family, being descended from two U.S. Presidents.He was best known for his History of the United States During the Administration of Thomas Jefferson, a 9-volume work, praised for its literary style, but sometimes criticised for inaccuracy. Adams is noted for an ironic literary style coupled with a detached, often bitter, tone.

  • 目录
    • Chapter I
    • Chapter II
    • Chapter III
    • Chapter IV
    • Chapter V
    • Chapter VI
    • Chapter VII
    • Chapter VIII
    • Chapter IX
    • Chapter X
    • Chapter XI
    • Chapter XII
    • Chapter XIII