    Letter from an Unknown Woman

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  • 一个13岁的少女迷恋上了邻家那个25岁的大哥哥。她羞涩地默默关注着他的一举一动,青春期情感的懵懂,让这份感情蒙上了唯美纯洁的色彩。赞叹于茨威格对一个怀春少女的细腻心理描写。无论是否曾经暗恋过,我想,读者都能从字里行间窥探到了那个少女的内心,跌宕起伏,默默无闻却又轰轰烈烈,如沐春风,润雨无声。那种毫无理由的爱恋,那种内心里的浪漫幻想,也反映出生活在底层的少女对美好生活的向往。自始至终,女人的名字都没有出现。她就隐身在作家的周围,她可以看见他,他却对她一无所知。也正因为他对她的一无所知,让我们忘记了他的罪过。或许,他并没有罪过。因为不曾相恋,所以无所谓负心;因为从未承诺,所以更谈不上食言。似乎,一切都只是她的错。他的罪过被对她的深深同情掩盖了,让读者忘了,这是一个不平衡的社会。

    An Austrian writer receives a letter from an unknown woman on the day of his anniversary. This woman tells him that she knew him for 20 years now. As she was his neighbor as an 8-year-old child, she fell madly in love with him, observing him secretly. Later, at age 18, she was one of his numerous mistresses for two or three nights and became pregnant. She didn’t want to disturb him so she chose to be a courtesan in order to raise their son. She met him for another night years later, but the writer didn’t recognize her once again. Now that their son has just died from the influenza, she has decided to write to him this letter he will receive only after her death.

  • 内容简介
  • 短篇小说《一个陌生女人的来信》为茨威格代表作之一。一个男子在41岁生日当天收到一封没有署名和地址的信:一个临死的女人,向他讲述了一个刻骨铭心的爱情故事。而他却对这段爱情一无所知。故事始自18年前,女主人公初遇该男子的刹那,还是个孩子,之后经历了少女的痴迷、青春的激情,甚而流落风尘,但未曾改变对他的爱,直至临死前才决定告白。

    A rich and well-known writer, returning from one of many holidays to Vienna, finds a long letter from an unknown woman. It tells the story of this writer, while reading a letter written by the woman he does not remember, gets glimpses into her life story. She was never married because her heart belonged always to the writer. She has never confessed her love. In the 1918 flu pandemic, she, ill then, wrote this letter to be posted after her death.

  • 作者简介
  • 斯蒂芬·茨威格(1881—1942),奥地利著名作家、文艺评论家。他一生创作了许多作品。他的小说构思巧妙,对人物的精神状态刻画得极为细腻,有强烈的艺术魅力和独具的艺术特色。茨威格是位善于洞察和表现女性内心活动的作家,在刻画女性形象、揭示女性心理方面有着突出的成就。

    Stefan Zweig (November 28, 1881—February 22, 1942) was an Austrian novelist, playwright, journalist and biographer. At the height of his literary career, in the 1920s and 1930s, he was one of the most famous writers in the world.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 斯蒂芬·茨威格采取书信的形式,用他最擅长的心理描写,采用第一人称叙述,以心理独白的方式,平静地道来一个女人的爱情故事

  • 媒体书评
  • 爱情从来就不是对等的。他留给你的回忆,和你留给他的回忆,因爱的多少、深浅,是那么的天差地别。你刻骨铭心,他或许浑然不觉;他牵肠挂肚,你或许片刻心动。 我们都有过这样的时刻,当过往的种种,如同洪流,劈头盖脸的打过来时,会很想很想寄托于一张白纸,把心事原原本本地写下来,写给那个自己衷情的却毫不知情的人。

  • 目录
    • 一个陌生女人的来信
    • Letter from an Unknown Woman