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    "The Jubilee of the Constitution, delivered at New York, April 30, 1839, before the New York Historical Society."

  • 内容简介
  • 1839年4月30号,美国第六任总统对宪法颁布50周年纪念日的演讲。

    "The Jubilee of the Constitution, delivered at New York, April 30, 1839, before the New York Historical Society."

  • 作者简介
  • 约翰·昆西·亚当斯是美国第六任总统。他是第二任总统约翰·亚当斯及第一夫人爱比盖尔·亚当斯的长子。他是美国历史上第一位继其父亲之后成为总统的总统。他二十岁就成了有名的外交官,曾出使欧洲多年,熟悉欧洲事务。1817年门罗总统上台以后,亚当斯被任命为国务卿,任职八年,曾协助起草《门罗宣言》,解决与英国的许多纠纷,从西班牙手中取得佛罗里达,因此,被认为是美国历史上“最有成就的国务卿之一”。1825年亚当斯当选总统。1829年卸任后被选为国会众议员,直至逝世。

     John Quincy Adams(1767–1848) was an American statesman who served as the sixth President of the United States from 1825 to 1829. He also served as a diplomat, a Senator and member of the House of Representatives. He was a member of the Federalist, Democratic-Republican, National Republican, and later Anti-Masonic and Whig parties. As a diplomat, Adams played an important role in negotiating key treaties. As president, he proposed a grand program of modernization and educational advancement. Late in life, as a Congressman, he was a leading opponent of the Slave Power.

  • 目录
    • Orations