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  • 世界历史宝库中的重要史籍,在西方有定评的史学名著之一。

  • 内容简介
  • 《秘鲁征服史》是美国著名的历史学家普雷斯科特(1796—1859)长期研究西班牙在南美的殖民活动之后发表的史学著作,它是世界历史宝库中的重要史籍,也是在西方有定评的史学名著之一。 本书在导言部分回顾了印加文明概貌、印加帝国的传说和历史之后,重点记述了西班牙殖民者侵略、掠夺以及“征服”印加帝国的历史。写作过程中,作者参考了大量第一手的文献资料,如西班牙和英国各地图书馆、档案馆和西班牙驻墨西哥大使提供的16世纪编年史及其他史料。书中除了记述西班牙殖民者的丧心病狂的“征服”活动外,由于作者从个人品质的好坏出发厌恶某些殖民者的可耻活动,在书中也以一定的篇幅叙述了殖民主义者头目之间的勾心斗角、争权夺利和互相残杀的丑史。这有助于我们了解资本原始积累时期西方殖民者的狰狞面目。

    History of the Conquest of Peru details with accuracy and emotional resonance the arrival of Spain's conquerors to Peru, and the wars of conquest whose outcomes remain the cause of contention even in the present day. Conquistadors Pizarro and Almagro are the protagonists of The History of the Conquest of Peru. Prescott tells of their brutal overthrow of the Incas, and the wars between the two of them afterward. Another of Prescott's biographers, Donald G. Darnell, called the book, an immensely readable history. Using a wealth of documentation as raw material, Prescott turned this blend of viewpoints into a heroic and tragic epic of Spain's efforts to dominate Central and South America. The Histories offer extensive insight into the Aztec and Inca cultures, and into the religious fervor and imperialist drive of the Spaniards who destroyed them, at the risk of their own lives. It comprises one of the most readable accounts of the New World's conquest.

  • 作者简介
  • 威廉•希克林•普雷斯科特(William Hickling Prescott),生于马萨诸塞州塞勒姆镇。父亲是著名律师。1811年,他15岁时进入哈佛大学学习法律,成绩优异。在校时,不幸在一次偶然事件中左眼失明,右眼受伤,不能继承父志执律师业,遂决定研究文史,专心著述。他在掌握了西班牙语、法语和德语之后,1826 年开始研究西班牙历史。1834 年出版《C.B.布朗传》,1838 年写成大部头专著《费迪南德和伊莎贝利亚的历史》,一举登上欧洲文坛。1843 年他的史学巨著《墨西哥征服史》问世,奠定了他在欧美史学界的崇高地位,被誉称为美国第一位有国际声誉的史学家。《秘鲁征服史》则是随后出版的另一部史学杰作。

    William Hickling Prescott (May 4, 1796 – January 28, 1859) was an American historian and Hispanist, who is widely recognized by historiographers to have been the first American scientific historian. Despite suffering from serious visual impairment, which at times prevented him from reading or writing for himself, Prescott became one of the most eminent historians of 19th century America. He is also noted for his eidetic memory. He was primarily focused on political and military affairs, largely ignoring economic, social, intellectual, and cultural forces that in recent decades historians have focused on. Instead, he wrote narrative history, subsuming unstated causal forces in his driving storyline.

  • 目录
    • Preface
    • Book 1 Introduction View Of The Civilization Of The Incas
    • Book 2 Discovery of Peru
    • Book 3 Conquest Of Peru
    • Book 4 Civil Wars Of The Conquerors
    • Book 5 Settlement Of The Country