• 导读
  • 英国人笔下的十九世纪二十年代的北京风俗。

    Born in China, our author speaks the language with fluency and clarity. He has that Bohemian temperament which puts him at ease with the Chinese and, what is of equal importance, places them at ease with himself. He is perfectly at home with officials of all grades, and having spent many years on the teaching staffs of Chinese Colleges and Universities, the modern professorial mind hides few secrets from him. With students of both new and old China he is familiar and can and does accommodate himself to their games and pastimes. The sons of the highest in land have been committed to his care as private tutor and have not forgotten him yet though years have passed since he was their mentor.

  • 内容简介
  • 燕瑞博在广泛搜集北京各社会阶层、街头风景和生活习俗的材料的基础上,撰写了这本《北京生活侧影》。全书凡十二章,依次为:一、一座愉悦的城市;二、胡同与居民;三、街头小贩;四、花街柳巷;五、当铺、中介和放债人;六、饮食和餐馆;七、演员和戏院;八、各种职业;九、城门、街名和名胜;十、政客、政府官员和高等教育家;十一、红喜事、婚礼、出生和生日;十二、神话世界:水鬼、鬼挡墙、吊死鬼、鬼剃头、假神鬼、疟疾鬼、鬼附身、投生鬼、鬼差、狐狸精及其他怪象、灾祸影响预防、鬼节。周永治在序中大力推荐该书:“斯沃洛先生对我们了解中国做出了富有价值的贡献。他通过摄影精确记录了中国人各方面的生活,这些生活层面可能已经消逝或者经新思想的冲刷而改变。他的著作对于新的来访者其价无比,对于老居民则是极好的备忘录。对于未来的学生和社会教育机构,他提供了持久的社会的、人类学的材料,这些材料或快或迟将要逝去。在未来的岁月,他的著作极有可能用作论及被遗忘的生活层面的教科书,就像杜波依斯 (Dubois) 的著作被用于了解印度一样。” 的确,该书文字细腻、图文并茂、生动活泼。它不仅对当时外国人了解北京社会生活有着辅助的作用,而且为我们今天研究20世纪20年代北京的社会风俗和日常生活提供了丰富的材料。

    Mr. Swallow has made a very valuable contribution to our understanding of the Chinese. He has caught with photographic accuracy those aspects of Chinese life which are bound to pass or be modified by the impact of new ideas. To the new comer his book is invaluable and for old residents it is an excellent aide-memoire. For future students of social and anthropological data he has given permanency to institutions which sooner or later are bound to pass. It is quite possible that in future years his volume may be useful as a text-book on forgotten aspects of life, much in the same way as Dubois' is becoming for India.

    The book is sumptuously furnished with original photographs numbering over 100, some of them full page. If such a volume had been placed in the hands of some of us on first arrival in China our interest and knowledge of the people would have been fuller. There is not a dull page in it and some questions generally taboo are treated with a frankness which robs them of all objections.

  • 作者简介
  • 燕瑞博1878年出生于浙江宁波,父亲为当地英国浸礼会教士。1902年在英国大学毕业后返回中国,到山西大学任教。1912—1916年在北京大学预科任英文教员,这给了他悉心考察北京的机会。第一次世界大战后在河南福中公司任职。他以研究中国古董著称,在上海英文报纸《字林西报》上曾常常发表有关中国风俗及古董的文章。据周永治在序中称,燕瑞博有着狂放不羁的脾气,能讲一口流利、地道的中文,可随意与中国人交流并融洽相处,与中国各阶层官员接触自如无间。在中国大学、专科学院从事教学多年,对中国新老学生都十分熟悉,并能参与他们的各种活动和娱乐。他担任过最高阶层子弟的私人教师,虽时过多年,这些受过他教育的人仍对这位良师不能忘怀。可见,燕瑞博已融入中国社会,称得上是“中国通”。1938年燕氏在上海逝世。其他著作有:《中国古镜图说》 (Ancient Chinese Bronze Mirrors,1937) 。

  • 目录
    • 总 序
    • 前 言
    • CHAPTER I A City of Pleasure
    • CHAPTER II The Hutung and Its Inhabitants
    • CHAPTER III Street Vendors
    • CHAPTER IV Flower Streets and Willow Lanes
    • CHAPTER V Pawnshops, Middlemen and Money Lenders
    • CHAPTER VI Feasts and Restaurants
    • CHAPTER VII Actors and the Theatre
    • CHAPTER VIII Various Professions
    • CHAPTER IX Gates, Street Names and Various Places of Interest
    • CHAPTER X Politicians, Some Office Holders and Certain Educationalists
    • CHAPTER XI Red Ceremonials, Marriages, Births and Birthdays
    • CHAPTER XII Tales of the Spirit World
    • 版权页