    New Concept of Individualism Applies

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  • “个人主义”这个词在不那么开放的70年代会被贴上政治标签,而现在则被认为是强调鲜明个性的词汇,广泛被大众使用。但我们可能并不真正了解这个词的含义,个人主义强调个性发展的重要性,也包含有个人权利和义务两个层面的含义。这正契合了一个流行的说法:每一个个体自身的完善是社会进步的必要条件。我们今天所需要的是,既有提高道德修养的意识,也有捍卫自己应该享有权益的意识的个人主义。

    Given the fact that China is becoming increasingly pluralistic as far as its culture is concerned, individualism will never become a political label. Yet it does not necessarily mean that many know the real meaning of this term.This term is by no means a synonym for selfishness or egoism although it emphasizes the interests and rights of an individual. But at the same time, individualism attaches enough importance to the development of individuality, and individualism containing both the rights and obligations of an individual when it comes to his or her relationship with a community or society at large.

  • 编辑推荐
  • “个人主义”这个词语一说出来可能就让人想到自私、利己、个性、以自我为中心等与它完全没关系的贬义词语。在现今“强调个性发展、凸显个人魅力”的大环境下,它所包含的含义和意义其实有很多方面。本期杂志从个人主义与社团或者社会的关系层面上解释“个人主义”的多层含义。

  • 目录
    • 新个人主义概念之说
    • New concept of individualism applies