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  • 《最后一块净土》一书讲述了男主人尼克和他的妹妹一起逃亡、追寻自由的故事。这篇小说不仅秉承了他一贯的写作风格,语言朴实、文体轻松、情感的表达直观强烈,而且它还有一个独特的背景。这个故事是根据海明威十六岁时的一次亲身经历改编而成,但海明威超越了狭隘的个人经验,把读者带入了一片远离尘世喧嚣的净土之中。

    Many of Hemingway's nonfiction works and short stories as nature-oriented masterpieces. "The Last Good Country," one of Ernest Hemingway's later short stories, however, still remains to be reinterpreted as more than merely, "a metaphor for childhood innocence", and his usual "imaginative use of the natural world".

    Unlike other short stories in Hemingway's early days, this unfinished story has a unique background on writing. Nick and his sister in this story are seen as indications of Hemingway in his early days. The plot of The Last Good Country was surely based on events in his life.

  • 内容简介
  • 《最后一块净土》是海明威未完成的一篇小说,讲述了男孩尼克因打死了一只雄鹿、违反了狩猎法而带着妹妹逃亡的故事。在逃避两个邪恶的猎场守卫的追捕中,尼克得到了女佣苏西和杂货店老板、老板娘明里暗里的帮助,他带着妹妹躲藏在开伐中的原始森林里。兄妹俩钓鱼、生活、看书、聊天……大自然似乎让一切烦恼都不见了,但在兄妹俩的心头总有一片挥之不去的阴影,让他俩感到不安……

    Nick and his younger sister Littless in The Last Good Country are seen as indications of Hemingway in his early days. The plot of The Last Good Country was surely based on events in his life. Nick and Littless, worried by the pursuit of the two hateful game wardens and a sly boy, take the precaution of bringing a gun to defend themselves, and to hunt with. As they escape into the virgin forest, however, Nick and Littless become aware of the natural abundance around them. When they see the woods and Nick says, "That's why they build cathedrals to be like this". It is natural, indeed, that the remaining part of an unfinished novel, written by a writer who had been well known to his readers and critics both as an adorer of nature and an analyst of love, could be viewed as a continued attempt to embody an Edenic ideal of nature, as well as an exemplar of his consistent repetition of precise description of nature.

  • 作者简介
  • 海明威,美国记者和作家,20世纪最著名的小说家之一。海明威一生中的感情错综复杂,先后结过四次婚,是美国“迷失的一代”作家中的代表人物,作品中对人生、世界、社会都表现出了迷茫和彷徨,晚年在家中自杀身亡。其写作风格以简洁著称,异常有力,影响深远。代表作有《老人与海》(获诺贝尔文学奖)、《永别了,武器》等。

    Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899–July 2, 1961) was an American novelist, short story writer, and journalist. His economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, while his life of adventure and his public image influenced later generations. Hemingway produced most of his work between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works. Additional works, including three novels, four short story collections, and three non-fiction works, were published posthumously. Many of his works are considered classics of American literature.

  • 目录
    • 最后一块净土
    • The Last Good Country