    Pen, Pencil and Poison

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    川外南方翻译学院 欧昱兰

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  • ¥3.90

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  • 他把他的天才都倾注在生活里,在他的作品里只倾注了才华。

    In Pen, Pencil and Poison, Wilde invents a fictional artist called Thomas Griffiths Wainewright, who is not only a talented artist but also a poisoner whose crimes are too numerous to record. But the two qualities in Wainewright are not compatible. Wilde put the two seemingly contradictory qualities upon one person. Through this arrangement, Wilde highlights his consistent artistic view: No artist has ethical sympathies. An ethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style. No artist is ever morbid. The artist can express everything. Oscar Wilde is the most active advocator and also the earnest practitioner of aestheticism.

  • 内容简介
  • 威恩莱特先生出身于都柏林,毕业于牛津大学,25岁开始投身于艺术事业。他的画作曾在皇家艺术学院展出,受到布莱克的好评,同时他也为《伦敦杂志》写文艺评论文章,他的见解引领了当时的潮流,是上流社会追捧的对象。同时他也是一个投毒的惯犯,为了谋取财产或为了报复,最终东窗事发被流放到殖民地,黯然离世。本书架构由王尔德“作品”和“生活”交织的经纬线。意图呈现叱咤维多利亚时代的唯美主义者,奥斯卡·王尔德,如何对“才华”和“天才”做出最倨傲并且纯粹的诠释。

    The protagonist, Wainewright is from Dublin, graduates from Oxford and start to dedicate himself to the cause of art at the age of 25. He is once the object people pursue and admire because of his artistic endowment. But he turns out to be a habitual poisoner, either to obtain property or in retaliation. At last his criminal is disclosed. From this essay, we can see that Oscar Wilde is the most active advocator and also the earnest practitioner of aestheticism.

  • 作者简介
  • 奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)生于1854年,卒于1900年,为剧作家、诗人、散文家,19世纪与萧伯纳齐名的英国才子。英国唯美主义艺术运动的倡导者。但是,他创作的童话比他其他的作品流传更广,传播到了世界上每一个有孩子的地方。在他的散文作品中,他称赞艺术的至高无上。

    Oscar Wilde (16 October 1854—30 November 1900) was an Irish writer,poet and essayist. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s. Today he is remembered for his epigrams, plays and the circumstances of his imprisonment, followed by his early death. As a playwright he was on a par with Bernard Shaw. He is a particularly enthusiastic advocate of aesthetic art movement. At the turn of the 1890s, he refined his ideas about the supremacy of art in a series of dialogues and essays.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 王尔德是唯美主义的代表作家,他的作品受到中外文学研究人士的广泛关注和研究,但大家大多比较关注他的戏剧和小说,对于他的一篇体现唯美主义的散文随笔《笔杆子、画笔和毒药》却鲜有提及。这篇文章短小精悍,集中反映了王尔德对艺术的见解。通过对作者这篇散文的分析,我们可以理解王尔德唯美主义见解的独到之处。

  • 媒体书评
  • “他把他的天才都倾注在生活里,在他的作品里只倾注了才华。”——纪德自传《如果种子不死》

    "In short, there is material aplenty here for the average reader and considerable matter for the specialist."

  • 目录
    • 笔杆子、画笔和毒药——绿色研究
    • Pen, Pencil and Poison—A Study in Green