• 内容简介
  • 世上最为神秘奇妙之事莫过于,尽管有许多事物一度令我们兴趣盎然,却最终被忘于脑后,还是会有些语言碎片能在我们的记忆中长青,比如一些书籍或对话中机智的妙语、简明的评述、生动的修辞。近些天,我一边难以置信地审视我书架上的许多书籍——从厚重的小说和回忆录到伟大哲人的巨著,一边想着我是否真的曾花费一连数周乃至数月的时间来阅读这些文字。

    There is nothing more mysterious and wonderful than the way in which some bit of language—a clever quip, a pithy observation, a vivid figure of speech found in a book or heard in a conversation—remains fresh in our memory when so many other things we were at one time interested in are forgotten. These days, I look in disbelief at many of the books on my shelves, from thick novels and memoirs to works of great philosophers, wondering whether it’s really possible that I devoted weeks or even months reading them.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 我们每个人都有属于自己的藏书,一翻开书页,就能看见自己当初划线标记的段落和词句,一经重读,除情节、人物和主旨之外,还能记起更多东西;借用烹饪术语来表达的话,那些给人留下持久印象的事物,似乎是散落在桌上的面包屑,而非整顿大餐。

  • 目录
    • 书之余痕
    • What’s Left of My Books