• 导读
  • 《哲学家的玩笑》是英国幽默大师杰罗姆·克拉普卡·杰罗姆1909年所作的一篇小说,讲述了三对人在四十岁时重回二十岁的故事。这六个人认为这穿越是幻觉,并且开始产生矛盾,但他们又是好友,谁也离不开谁。

    In 1889, Jerome published his most successful and best-remembered work, 'Three Men in a Boat'. Featuring himself and two of his friends encountering humorous situations while floating down the Thames in a small boat, the book was an instant success, and has never been out of print. In fact, its popularity was such that the number of registered Thames boats went up fifty percent in the year following its publication.

  • 内容简介
  • 《哲学家的玩笑》是英国幽默大师杰罗姆·克拉普卡·杰罗姆1909年所作的一篇小说,讲述了三对人在四十岁时重回二十岁的故事。这六个人认为这穿越是幻觉,并且开始产生矛盾,但他们又是好友,谁也离不开谁。

    This early work by Jerome K. Jerome was originally published in 1909.'The Philosopher's Joke' is a novel about six friends who meet a philosopher who offers them a proposition not to be missed.

  • 作者简介
  • 杰罗姆·克拉普卡·杰罗姆Jerome Klapka Jerome,(1859~1927) 英国作家。生于英格兰斯塔福德郡。当过铁路职员、教师、演员和新闻记者。其著述甚丰,其中有使读者爱不释手的幽默小说《三人同舟》(1889)和一部以布卢姆斯伯里的寄宿舍为背景的现代劝世剧《来回经过四楼》(1908)。还写有《巴巴拉》(1886)、《霍布斯小姐》(1899)和自传《我的生活和时代》(1926)等。

    Jerome Klapka Jerome (2 May 1859 – 14 June 1927) was an English writer and humourist, best known for the comic travelogue Three Men in a Boat (1889).Jerome was born in Caldmore, Walsall, England.

  • 目录