Western culture is the source of the ancient Greek culture, the so-called Western classical culture refers to the ancient Greek and Roman culture. Roman cultural center is located in Rome, the Italian peninsula, it is beyond doubt; Crete and the Peloponnese, although the birthplace of the ancient Greek culture and the center, however, in the south of Italy, "Magna Grecia" is also ancient Greek extremely important part of having a decisive significance for the ancient Greek culture.
Impact of Italian culture on the formation and development of Western culture is huge. If we take the Western culture into three parts classical culture, medieval culture and in modern culture, and carefully study the characteristics of these three cultural era, it is easy to see the importance of Italian culture.
- 第一章 古希腊文明
- 第二章 古罗马文明
- 第三章 罗马帝国后期、中世纪早期的社会混乱和基督教的诞生与传播
- 第四章 神圣罗马帝国与基督教文化
- 第五章 中世纪晚期欧洲社会的巨大变化
- 第六章 人文主义与文艺复兴
- 第七章 意大利的边缘化与欧洲的新局面
- 第八章 意大利民族复兴运动与意大利的统一
- 第九章 20世纪的意大利
- 版权页