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  • 18世纪的英国是18世纪国家中的奇迹吗?

  • 内容简介
  • 没有轰轰烈烈的革命运动,没有波澜壮阔的变革景象,但18世纪这百年间英国无论在经济发展方面、政治制度与体制方面,还是在文化思维意识方面,均发生了巨大而深刻的变化,这个岛国一步步迈向了世界舞台的中心位置。是无意间开启了神秘的崛起之门?是偶然发现了现代之路?还是其中蕴含了必然?

    While the rest of eighteenth century Europe was embroiled in revolution and unrest, Britain embarked on an era of comparative calm and stability. Two attempts by the Stuarts to reclaim the throne were easily put down, not through the power of the British military, but through the general apathy of the British people, who were just not in the mood to join in the rebellions enjoyed by the American colonies and the French. Also known as the Age of Enlightenment, this was a time for intellectual growth, as improved literacy rates and the introduction of newspapers paved the way for a more educated middle class. This was also an ideal time for the initial flourishing of the British Empire, as Britain took advantage of its rivals' troubles to further its aims abroad. This comprehensive and authoritative guide takes a thematic approach to eighteenth-century history, covering such topics as domestic politics, religious developments and changes to social demographics. It presents a full picture of an era of reform and growth.

  • 作者简介
  • 保罗·兰福德,牛津大学现代历史学教授(自1996年起),林肯学院现代历史学研究员、导师(自1970年起),艺术和人文科学研究委员会主席(自1998年起)。其著作有《一个彬彬有礼的商业化民族1727—1783》(Oxford,1989;1999再版)和《英国的公众生活与有产阶层1689—1789》(Oxford, 1991)等。

    Paul Langford has been Professor of Modern History, University of Oxford, since 1996; Fellow, and Tutor in Modern History, Lincoln College, since 1970; Chairman and Chief Executive, Arts and Humanities Research Board, since 1998. His publications include A Polite and Commercial People 1727-83 (1989) and Public Life and the Propertied Englishman 1689-1789 (1991).

  • 目录
    • 版权页
    • 第一章 革命及其反响
    • 第二章 罗宾政府的兴起
    • 第三章 工业和赋闲
    • 第四章 英国中产阶级的形成
    • 第五章 不同政见的斗争
    • 第六章 叛乱和改革
    • 第七章 结束语
    • 年表
    • 历任首相名录1721—1789年
    • 译后记