• 内容简介
  • 有大卫•贝克汉姆与维多利亚•贝克汉姆这样众人瞩目且事业飞黄腾达的父母,罗密欧踏上征服世界的道路也便不足为奇了。




    With parents as high-profile and successful as David and Victoria Beckham, it's no surprise that Romeo is already on the road to world domination.

    The 10-year-old has been unveiled as the newest star of Burberry's Spring/Summer 2013 campaign, making his modelling debut alongside Edie Campbell and Cara Delevingne.

    After being saved from kidnapping, you discover you're the daughter of the prime minister and your life is in imminent danger. You are introduced to a handful of handsome bodyguards, and must decide who you want to protect you 24 hours a day.

    That's the scenario for one of several role-playing "love games" currently popular in Japan, allowing women to safely spend time with their choice of Mr. Right without actually dealing with a live person - even as marriage rates in Japan fall.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 本以为作为贝克汉姆的儿子,理应会接父亲的班进军足球界,而现年10岁的罗密欧已经很明确地表示他会接母亲的班,在2013巴宝莉春夏时装秀活动上,罗密欧的模特处女秀可是“抢尽了风头”。罗密欧已然成为了万千女孩梦想中的“白马王子”。



  • 目录
    • 【全球博览】贝克汉姆之子罗密欧时尚T台露锋芒
    • 【Wow研究室】学校里受欢迎的小孩长大后收入更高
    • 【洋葱妹推荐】日本女性迷上“白马王子”爱情游戏
    • [Global View] Romeo Beckham launches his modelling career
    • [Wow Lab] Popular kids in school get higher paychecks down the line
    • [iYangcong's Recommendation] Japanese women enamored of "Mr Right" love game apps