• 导读
  • 最吝啬的人是不是你,葛朗台!

    The Grandet household, oppressed by the exacting miserliness of Grandet himself, is jerked violently out of routine by the sudden arrival of Eugenie's cousin Charles, recently orphaned and penniless. Eugenie's emotional awakening, stimulated by her love for her cousin, brings her into direct conflict with her father, whose cunning and financial success are matched against her determination to rebel.

    Eugenie's moving story is set against the backdrop of provincial oppression, the vicissitudes of the wine trade, and the workings of the financial system in the aftermath of the French Revolution. It is both a poignant portrayal of private life and a vigorous fictional document of its age.

  • 内容简介
  • 《欧仁妮·葛朗台》讲述了一个老箍桶匠葛朗台靠囤积居奇、投机倒把,成为当地首富。他刻薄吝啬,把金钱看得重于一切,不惜逼走因父亲破产自杀来投靠他的侄子,折磨把自己的私蓄送给堂兄作盘缠的欧仁妮,并因为反对女儿与落难公子的爱情,把袒护女儿的妻子虐待致死。他所有的乐趣都集中在积聚财物上,死时留下一份偌大的家私,却无补于女儿的命运。

    Eugénie's father Felix is a former cooper who has become wealthy through both business ventures and inheritance. However, he is very miserly. Felix's nephew Charles Grandet arrives from Paris unexpectedly at their home. Charles does not realize that his father has gone bankrupt. His father's ruin and suicide are soon published in the newspaper, and Felix considers Charles to be a burden, and plans to send him off overseas to make his own fortune. However, Eugénie and Charles fall in love with each other. She gives him some of her own money to help with his trading ventures. Later Felix is angered when he discovers that Eugénie has given her money to Charles. This leads to his wife falling ill, and his daughter being confined to her room. Eventually they are reconciled, and Felix reluctantly agrees that Eugénie can marry Charles. In 1827 Charles returns to France. By now both of Eugénie's parents have died. However Charles is no longer in love with Eugénie. He becomes engaged to the daughter of an impoverished aristocratic family, in order to make himself respectable. He writes to Eugénie to break off their engagement. Eugénie then decides to become engaged to Cruchot des Bonfons. Bonfons de Cruchot marries Eugénie hopeful of becoming fabulously wealthy. However, he dies young, and at the end of the book Eugénie is a very wealthy widow. At the end of the novel, by the standards of the time she should be unhappy, childless and unmarried, but she is instead quite content with her lot because he has learned of the hypocrisy and shallowness of the bourgeois.

  • 作者简介
  • 奥诺雷•德•巴尔扎克(1799年5月20日-1850年8月18日),法国小说家,被称为“现代法国小说之父”,生于法国中部图尔城一个中产者家庭,1816年入法律学校学习,毕业后不顾父母反对,毅然走上文学创作道路。1829年,他发表长篇小说《朱安党人》,迈出了现实主义创作的第一步,1831年出版的《驴皮记》使他声名大震。1834年,完成对《高老头》的著作,这也是巴尔扎克最优秀的作品之一。他要使自己成为文学事业上的拿破仑,在30至40年代以惊人的毅力创作了大量作品,一生创作甚丰,写出了91部小说,塑造了两千四百七十二个栩栩如生的人物形象,合称《人间喜剧》。《人间喜剧》被誉为“资本主义社会的百科全书”。

    Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 —18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright. He is generally regarded as a founding-father of realism in European fiction. His large output of works, collectively entitled The Human Comedy (La Comidie Humaine), consists of 95 finished works (stories, novels and essays) and 48 unfinished works, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 fall of Napoleon. His masterpieces: Eugenie Grandet and Father Goriot.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 小说塑造了葛朗台这一典型的吝啬鬼形象,深刻揭露了资产阶级纯粹的金钱关系。

  • 媒体书评
  • 《欧仁妮·葛朗台》是一出“没有毒药,没有尖刀,没有流血的平凡悲剧”,而其惨烈的程度却不亚于古典悲剧。



  • 目录
    • 第一章
    • 第二章
    • 第三章
    • 第四章
    • 第五章
    • 第六章
    • 第七章
    • 第八章
    • 第九章
    • 第十章
    • 第十一章
    • 第十二章
    • 第十三章
    • 第十四章
    • Chapter I
    • Chapter II
    • Chapter III
    • Chapter IV
    • Chapter V
    • Chapter VI
    • Chapter VII
    • Chapter VIII
    • Chapter IX
    • Chapter X
    • Chapter XI
    • Chapter XII
    • Chapter XIII
    • Chapter XIV