• 导读
  • 资本罪恶,世界观的扭曲。

    Short story and part of The Human Comedy , that is set at a dinner party. The German businessman who is guest of honor is prevailed upon to tell a story. This is a tale of two young French doctors travelling to serve in a military base in Germany. Here they spend a night shacking up in an inn with a fellow traveler—a German who informs them he has on his person a large sum of money...This short story gives an account of the rise of a millionaire. He gets his original capitalization by murdering two innocent people for money, one of whom is his best friends.

  • 内容简介
  • 这是一篇探讨“良心”问题的小说:一个青年爱上一个百万富翁的女儿。却在无意中发现这百万富翁泰伊番的罪恶发家史。他杀害两个无辜者的生命,谋取了最初的资金,而且两个死者中有一个还是他自小就亲密无间的同学和朋友—普罗斯佩•马尼昂。在这种情况下,年轻人的爱情与廉耻心产生了矛盾,他是否应当娶他的心上人为妻,是否应当接受他岳父沾满血腥的遗产,这是个十分微妙的问题。作者以虚构手法,让主人公召集社会各界人士中“最正直、最有廉耻心和荣誉感”的人,组成“良心法庭”来进行讨论。这场精彩的讨论意味深长地揭示了社会对罪恶是何等宽容:人们只承认现状,不愿追究历史。一个人只要有钱,便受到尊重、享有荣誉,谁也不去过问他最初的财产是从哪里来的。

    Short story and part of The Human Comedy , that is set at a dinner party. The German businessman who is guest of honor is prevailed upon to tell a story. This is a tale of two young French doctors travelling to serve in a military base in Germany. Here they spend a night shacking up in an inn with a fellow traveler—a German who informs them he has on his person a large sum of money...This short story gives an account of the rise of a millionaire. He gets his original capitalization by murdering two innocent people for money, one of whom is his best friends.

  • 作者简介
  • 奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克,法国小说家,法国19世纪伟大的批判现实主义作家,被称为现代法国小说之父。一生创作103部长、中、短篇小说和随笔,总名为《人间喜剧》。其中代表作为《欧仁妮·葛朗台》、《高老头》。

    Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 —18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright. He is generally regarded as a founding-father of realism in European fiction. His large output of works, collectively entitled The Human Comedy (La Comidie Humaine), consists of 95 finished works (stories, novels and essays) and 48 unfinished works, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 fall of Napoleon. His masterpieces: Eugenie Grandet and Father Goriot.

  • 编辑推荐
  • 巴尔扎克不属于那种只靠丰富的想象进行文学创作的作家,他的作品不追求离奇古怪、惊心动魄的情节。这篇小说标志着巴尔扎克开始对现实进行认真思考,从浪漫主义转向现实主义了。

  • 媒体书评
  • 通过《人间喜剧》,巴尔扎克“提供了一部法国‘社会’特别是巴黎‘上流社会’的卓越的现实主义历史。”他的作品“是对上流社会必然崩溃的一曲无尽的挽歌”,“他看到了他心爱的贵族们灭亡的必然性”。——恩格斯



    Along with Flaubert, Balzac is generally regarded as a founding-father of realism in European fiction.

  • 目录
    • 红房子旅馆
    • The Red Inn