• 导读
  • 作者通过一个家族的悲欢离合对人性进行了淋漓尽致的挖掘。

    James Joyce noted that [Leo] Tolstoy admired him but he thought that he had little artistic accomplishment or mind. Yet, as he said, 'he admired his heart', a criticism which contains a great deal of truth, for though his characters do act extravagantly, madly, almost, still their basis is firm enough underneath... The Brothers Karamazov... made a deep impression on me... he created some unforgettable scenes [detail]... Madness you may call it, but therein may be the secret of his genius... I prefer the word exaltation, exaltation which can merge into madness, perhaps. In fact all great men have had that vein in them; it was the source of their greatness; the reasonable man achieves nothing.

  • 内容简介
  • 本书是陀思妥耶夫斯基的代表作之一。通过一桩真实的弑父案,描写老卡拉马佐夫同三个儿子即两代人之间的尖锐冲突。老卡拉马佐夫贪婪好色,独占妻子留给儿子们的遗产,并与长子德米特里为一个风流女子争风吃醋。一天黑夜,德米特里疑心自己的情人去跟老头儿幽会,便闯入家园,一怒之下,差点把老头儿砸死。他仓皇逃离后,躲在暗中装病的老卡拉马佐夫的私生子斯乜尔加科夫悄然杀死老爷,造成了一桩震惊全俄的扑朔迷离的血案,从而引发了一连串惊心动魄的事件。作品展示一个错综复杂的社会、家庭、道德和人性的悲剧主题,体现了高超艺术手法。

    The Brothers Karamazov is a passionate philosophical novel set in 19th century Russia, that enters deeply into the ethical debates of God, free will, and morality. It is a spiritual drama of moral struggles concerning faith, doubt, and reason, set against a modernizing Russia. Dostoyevsky composed much of the novel in Staraya Russa, which inspired the main setting. Since its publication, it has been acclaimed as one of the supreme achievements in literature.

  • 作者简介
  • 费奥多尔·米哈伊洛维奇·陀思妥耶夫斯基是19世纪群星灿烂的俄国文坛上一颗耀眼的明星,与列夫·托尔斯泰、屠格涅夫等人齐名,是俄国文学的卓越代表,他所走过的是一条极为艰辛、复杂的生活与创作道路,是俄国文学史上最复杂、最矛盾的作家之一。即如有人所说“托尔斯泰代表了俄罗斯文学的广度,陀思妥耶夫斯基则代表了俄罗斯文学的深度”。

    Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky (11 November 1821-9 February 1881), sometimes transliterated Dostoevsky, was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, journalist and philosopher. Dostoyevsky's literary works explore human psychology in the context of the troubled political, social, and spiritual atmosphere of 19th-century Russia. He began writing in his 20s, and his first novel, Poor Folk, was published in 1846 when he was 25. His major works include Crime and Punishment (1866), The Idiot (1869), Demons (1872) and The Brothers Karamazov (1880). His output consists of eleven novels, three novellas, seventeen short novels and numerous other works. Many literary critics rate him as one of the greatest and most prominent psychologists in world literature. His novella Notes From Underground is considered to be one of the first works of existentialist literature.

  • 目录
    • PART I
    • PART II
    • PART III
    • PART IV