• 导读
  • William Blackstone, when writing his Commentaries on the Laws of England, noted in his preface that "of all the earlier schemes for digesting the Laws of England the most natural and scientific, as well as the most comprehensive, appeared to be that of Sir Matthew Hale in his posthumous History of the Law".

  • 内容简介
  • 《英格兰普通法史》是英国大法官马修·黑尔爵士于1739年发表的著作,此书是英美法学中第一部法律史著作。黑尔爵士在该书的导言中用较多篇幅记述了柯克法官对英国普通法做出的贡献;此外,他针对霍布斯所著《哲学家与英格兰法律家的对话》一书所撰写的反驳文章也为我们理解柯克的“技艺理性”的思想提供了绝佳的注释。

    The History was based on lectures he gave to students, and was most likely not intended to be published; it is considered the first history of English law ever written. Divided into 13 chapters, the book dealt with the history of English law and some suggestions for reform.

  • 作者简介
  • 马修·黑尔爵士(1609年11月1日-1676年12月25日),16岁进入牛津大学学习,最初的理想是做一名大臣,不过,最终还是选择学习法律。他曾为保皇党人做过辩护律师。1656年至1658年,他成为一名民事诉讼法官。同时,他还是一名议员(1654年至1660年),他在进行法律改革以及促使查理二世复位方面扮演了重要角色。后来,他成为财政署的首席官员,并在1671年至1676年间担任王座法院首席法官。他是英国普通法历史上最伟大的学者之一,其最著名的著作是《国王诉讼的历史》(1736年-1739年)和《英格兰普通法的历史》(1713年)。

    Sir Matthew Hale SL (1 November 1609-25 December 1676) was an influential English barrister, judge and lawyer most noted for his treatise Historia Placitorum Coronæ, or The History of the Pleas of the Crown. Hale is almost universally appreciated as an excellent judge and jurist, with his central legacy coming through his written work, published after his death.

  • 目录
    • I. Concerning the Distribution of the Law of England into Common Law, and Statute Law. And First, concerning the Statute Law, or Acts of Parliament #
    • II. Concerning the Lex non Scripta, i.e. The Common or Municipal Laws of this Kingdom #
    • III. Concerning the Common Law of England, its Use and Excellence, and the Reason of its Denomination #
    • IV. Touching the Original of the Common Law of England #
    • V. How the Common Law of England stood at and for some Time after the coming in of King William I #
    • VI. Concerning the Parity or Similitude of the Laws of England and Normandy, and the Reasons thereof #
    • VII. Concerning the Progress of the Laws of England after the Time of King William I, until the Time of King Edward 2 #
    • VIII. A Brief Continuation of the Progress of the Laws, from the Time of King Edward 2 inclusive, down to these Times #
    • IX. Concerning the settling of the Common Law of England in Ireland and Wales: And some Observations touching the Isles of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey, etc. #
    • X. Concerning the Communication of the Laws of England unto the Kingdom of Scotland #
    • XI. Touching the Course of Descents in England #
    • XII. Touching Trials by Jury #