• 导读
  • 作者对传统神学的说教不肯盲从,敢于对真主创世提出质疑:“我们来去匆匆的宇宙,上不见渊源,下不见尽头。”“这亘古之谜你我皆茫然不懂,谜样的天书谁人也解读不通”。他认为,人的生死不过是物质形式的转化。莪默借酒浇愁,以求得内心的一时宽慰,缓解生活中的苦痛。正因为“常常都不遂心”,“厄运与日俱增”,所以他才“热恋杯中酒,倾心丝竹声”。

  • 内容简介
  • 《鲁拜集》是波斯大诗人莪默·伽亚谟的四行诗集。《鲁拜集》也称做“柔巴依”,阿拉伯语的意思是“四行”、“四行诗”。这种古典抒情诗的基本特征是:每首四行,独立成篇,第一、二、四行押韵,第三行大抵不押韵,和中国的绝句相类似。内容多感慨人生如寄、盛衰无常,以及时行乐、纵酒放歌为宽解。

    Philosopher, astronomer and mathematician, Khayyam as a poet possesses a singular originality. His poetry is richly charged with evocative power and offers a view of life characteristic of his stormy times, with striking relevance to the present day. And its luxurious sensual warmth acted as a striking counterpoint to the growth of scientific determinism, industrialisation and the soulless Darwinian doctrine of the survival of the fittest.

  • 作者简介
  • 莪默·伽亚谟(1048年5月18日-1122年12月4日),波斯诗人、天文学家、数学家。他一生研究各门学问,尤精天文学。当时的苏丹非常器重海亚姆,委以更改历法的重任,1079年所实行的新历亚拉里历比蒋牟西旧历更为精确。除无数天文图谱以及一部代数学论文之外,他留下诗集《鲁拜集》。他的诗大部分关于死亡与享乐,用了很多笔墨来讽刺来世以及神,这与当时的世俗风尚相去甚远。《鲁拜集》其实是一些零散的笔记,伽亚谟死后由他的学生整理出来。

    Omar Khayyám(18 May 1048–4 December 1131), was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, and poet. He also wrote treatises on mechanics, geography, mineralogy, music, and Islamic theology. His significance as a philosopher and teacher, and his few remaining philosophical works, have not received the same attention as his scientific and poetic writings.

  • 目录
    • Introduction
    • First Edition
    • Fifth Edition